Anti-Spam Policy
Here at Secret Entrepreneur, we dislike unsolicited commercial email (UCE), otherwise known as spam or junk email, as much as you do.
We consider spam to be an offence and disservice to the entire Internet community. This is why we fully endorse and comply with all the requirements of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act). We also comply with all other applicable unsolicited commercial email laws.
How does this affect you? When you subscribe to our digital/electronic newsletters or other online communications from us and through our website, we always give you the option to unsubscribe. You can do that immediately, or you can do that any time in the future simply by clicking a link in any email you receive from us.
If you have questions, concerns or feedback about this anti-spam policy, just contact us and ask.
“How to Fire Your Boss and FINALLY Release the Secret Entrepreneur inside... so you can take back control and own your future... without having to jump in at the deep end and quit your job (until you're ready of course!)”
We’ll show you the 3 Most Powerful Secrets we’ve figured out over the past 10 years… to start your own business… and achieve REAL freedom… not just FINANCIALLY… but also to give you TIME… FLEXIBILITY… and CONTROL